Coaching calls are brief, confidential consultations for those seeking to test the waters and get some perspective on a particular issue before potentially diving into a deeper coaching relationship.

Think of these as first impressions, second opinion, trouble-shooting, brainstorming, scribbling-on-a-napkin, what if, what now, what’s next, one-offs—an experiential taste of how we are together in relation to whatever is happening in your world.

One call. One topic. One hour.

You tell me all about it. I listen and ask questions. I offer reflections and resources as inspired.

No pressure. No up-sales. No strings.

Just a good, old-fashioned phone call. No pre-work, follow-up, or on-screen time.

You, me, discussing whatever’s on your mind and in your heart right here, right now.

Sometimes this is an introductory starting point for a more in-depth coaching collaboration.

And sometimes an uninterrupted hour of dedicated time and attention is all you need to wonder aloud, talk things through, consider your options, get some perspective, shift the energy, center yourself, make a decision, and begin anew.

Before you book a call, please consider your expectations and agenda.

Ask yourself how an hour of dedicated phone time could make a difference given what you’re seeking. What is the crux of the matter? What kind of feedback might be helpful to you? What are you hoping to take away from the call?

Unless you just want me to listen for an hour—in which case I’m all ears—please keep in mind that your issue should be something relatively specific that you can share in twenty minutes or less, so there’s time for us to explore the subject.

If it’s more complicated than that, or you are seeking one-offs on a regular basis, I invite you to consider ongoing coaching work with me.

That’s it.

So wanna’ tell me about it? Book your coaching call now, or get in touch via email if you prefer.