Hello, Gorgeous.
Welcome to a world of goodness.
Wondering if this is for you?
Integrity Dynamics is a practical approach for navigating the uncertainty, complexity, and urgency of our times with greater integrity.
This course will shift your experience of yourself, others, and the world in profound and unpredictable ways.
It will challenge some assumptions and perturb the status quo, often revealing previously unrecognized perspectives and patterns of experience—blindspots, tender places, and sticking points.
Becoming more conscious of our experience in this way can be deeply unsettling, as we begin to surface the habitual beliefs, values, and assumptions about who we are and the nature of our reality that often influence our decisions and actions without our necessarily realizing it.
Yet, the process can also be immensely constructive as we liberate ourselves from habitual responses and outdated modes of being that no longer serve us or the greater world we inhabit, making space for new ways of being and doing that help us have a better experience of being human together.
It is not for everyone, especially not the faint-hearted or feeble-minded.
This course is for those of you who:
sense that there is a deep shift needed in the way we live and work together
yearn for goodness to prevail in the world
want to navigate the gap between what is and what could be with fewer bumps and bruises
seek to reorient yourself to a wholeness that can hold broken(hearted)ness
understand that the simplicity on the other side of complexity is worth the effort, and that the roar on the other side of silence must be heard for us to truly live
want to be welcome just as you are, freak(in’ genius) flag and all
realize that sacred cows and white elephants have a lot to teach us
need a refuge that enlivens rather than dulls the senses
are tired of sitting alone in the dark worrying about the state of your sanity, your relationship, your household, your business/organization, your country, the world
would like to be better equipped to address the complexity, uncertainty, and urgency of our times
It is for intrepid entrepreneurs, artists, activists, positive deviants, quiet revolutionaries, institutional innovators, global nomads, change makers, world shakers, troubadours, provocateurs, cape-less crusaders, and daring do-gooders committed to a world propelled by the wisdom of discerning knowledge, the compassion of genuine connection, and the power of embodied commitment.
What will we explore together?
This course is a deep dive into Integrity Dynamics.
✓ Discover 3 core dynamics & 3 universal dimensions of human experience that are the basis for integrity.
✓ Develop a new, more holistic understanding of yourself, your relationships, and life conditions through a multidimensional inquiry.
✓ Explore 6 attentional practices that deepen your capacity to respond intelligently to ignorance, suffering, and conflict.
Welcoming Presence
Sessions 1 & 2
Who are we? How are we? What are we doing together? Why are we here? What are we inviting, seeking, wondering?
What are the 3 core dynamics and 3 universal dimensions of human experience foundational to living in integrity?
Illuminating Wisdom
Sessions 3,4 & 5
What does it mean to be wise? How do we cultivate wisdom? What prevents us from living more wisely? Who do we think we are? How do we handle truth?
How do we move through the pain (the truth that hurts) beyond our partial points of view toward a more mutual and complete understanding (the truth that sets us free)? How do we deal with uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity? When is honesty not the best policy?
llluminate a more integral way of knowing ourselves, each other, and the world.
Embracing Compassion
Sessions 6, 7 & 8
What does it mean to be compassionate? How do we cultivate compassion? What prevents us from living more compassionately?
How do we relate to our emotional experience? How do we cope with challenging moods, pain, and suffering? Why do we estrange the stranger? How do we embrace others who are unfamiliar, or even unpalatable to us?
Embrace a more integral way of loving ourselves, each other, and the world.
Engaging Power
Sessions 9, 10 & 11
What does it mean to be powerful? How do we cultivate power? What prevents us from living powerfully? How do we free ourselves to be ourselves?
How do we create healthy boundaries and clear agreements? How do we respond to conflict, injustice, and circumstances beyond our control? How do we give voice and make choice? How do we do right by each other?
Engage a more integral way of liberating ourselves, each other, and the world.
Living Integrity
Session 12
What does it mean to live in integrity? How do we live more wisely, compassionately, and powerfully? What have we learned? How will we continue to contribute to a world of goodness for ourselves, each other, and the world?
Go forth to live the questions more wholly/holy better prepared to contribute to a world of goodness, whether at home, at work, or at play.
What does the course include?
✓ An intimate constellation of bright, committed learning partners
Because our work together is likely to be deeply personal, nuanced, and transformative, each Integrity Dynamics class (constellation) is limited to ten participants. Together, we create an intimate, playful, confidential space for potent learning, brave inquiry, and genuine connection.
✓ 12 live, interactive, virtual 90-minute sessions with Yours Truly, Integrity Dynamics Prime Mover and Facilitator, Karen Sella
In twelve 90-minute sessions, we join together online to explore key concepts through guided reflection, experiential practices, and generative conversation.
✓ One 90-minute one-to-one, heart-to-heart, tête-à-tête coaching conversation with me in which we focus on your experience of Integrity Dynamics (available through April 30th)
✓ Integrity Dynamics Practice Guide
You will receive a concise, easy-to-use overview of the essential concepts, so you can quickly review and more readily apply these in the moment
✓ 9 Bonus exercises designed to inspire additional insight that supports your learning in between sessions.
✓ Private Online Discussion Group via Facebook for additional support, Q&A, resources, and inspiration.
What does it cost?
If you've read this far, you probably have a sense that this work is valuable to you, but now you may be wondering what it will cost.
Me too.
I believe that anyone who really, truly, madly, deeply wants to take this course should be able to do so, and that the course experience is greatly enhanced when it's blessed with goodness from all walks of life.
In a world of filter bubbles, echo chambers, and idealogical gated communities, it's so rare to have gracious space to explore beyond the safety and comfort of our own reflections.
I also believe in this work enough to deliver it for free, but I cannot (yet) afford to do so.
My life conditions are such that I am not independently (or dependently) wealthy, so this work also needs to contribute to my livelihood.
This makes pricing trickier.
How do I give this course away and pay my bills? How do I honor my commitment to making this work available to people from all walks of life and fulfill my real need to support my household? You know, make a difference, pay my mortgage, and keep my dog in kibble?
Conventional strategies would have me assess my need (or greed if I desire more than I really need) along with fair market rates, and then, price accordingly.
Pricing for such offerings really varies, but the going rates for transformative learning immersions with this kind of live, personalized online guidance and support is USD$1,000+.
Given my investment in producing and delivering this course, a price of $1,000+ seems fair, but this price makes the course unaffordable for many.
After all, we live in a world in which a thousand dollars is a month's worth of café lattes for some, a monthly mortgage payment for others, or a year's salary in some countries.
“The world I live in and believe in is wider than that. And anyway, what’s wrong with Maybe?”
— Mary Oliver
I could cater to people with more means, and maybe offer a limited number of scholarships for those unable to pay the full price, or create a high volume/lower priced offering that forfeits the more personalized, intimate learning experience.
But I can't help wondering if maybe there's a different way to do this, so I'm choosing to experiment with what's possible.
After all, it's hard (really impossible) to create a better experience of being human together if we can't even figure out a way to create spaces in which each of us is truly welcome.
Instead of making my income needs, production costs, desired profit margins, or market trends the basis for my pricing, I'm inviting you to contribute what you can given your careful consideration of the following:
My Commitment
As long as I can pay my bills, I'm going to show up and deliver this work to whomever shows up with gratitude for the opportunity to share it with each and all, regardless of how much you contribute to my financial security.
Consistently. Open-mindedly. Wholeheartedly.
I'm not sure if this is brave or naive or both, but I want to live in a generous world in which each of us gives whatever we can whenever wherever however we can, so I'm going to offer this as generously as I can, and see what happens.
My Investment
This work is my reason for being.
I've devoted the last decade to developing and refining this approach in the context of consulting, coaching, and teaching.
This work is informed by over twenty years of experience helping people figure out better ways to live and work with the messy magnificence of being human in this ever-changing world.
It is supported by my formal education in organization development, expressive arts psychotherapy, and various somatic arts, as well as my lifelong obsession with understanding how we can have a better experience of being human.
I have read hundreds of books within the vast field of human potential, synthesizing insights from both perennial and cutting-edge wisdom of the world's spiritual luminaries, philosophers, psychologists, educators, neuroscientists, systems theorists, business leaders, and performance gurus to develop a veritable life-boat of relevant perspectives and proven practices.
I've integrated the best of what I've learned so far into this original approach, so that you can explore the stuff that really works without having to do all the heavy-sifting.
Basically, I'm all in.
Your Commitment
You are fully committed to showing up and participating.
You are willing and able to make the time for the course.
You are ready to potentially change who and how you are.
Each constellation currently holds space for 10 bright, committed human beings, so if you sign up, be prepared to show up.
Consistently. Open-mindedly. Wholeheartedly.
Your Investment
Life isn't fair, but we can be.
I trust you to determine a fair price with consideration for each and all of us engaged in this experiment.
Contribute an amount that isn't a hardship, but is substantive enough that it reinforces your commitment to show up and participate.
Honor code applies, no proof of income or explanation necessary.
If you have the means, and you're feeling generous, give a little more.
If you would like to support this work beyond a course payment, you are always welcome to tip the scale.
I trust your integrity.
“I know there is strength in the differences between us. I know there is comfort where we overlap.”
What about you? Are you ready to join a constellation of bright human beings committed to a world of goodness?
Tuesdays, April 3 - June 19, 2018, 4:30-6pm PST (Seattle)*
Click on the "add to cart" button, pay what you can that feels fair, and proceed to checkout.
Fridays, April 6 - June 22, 2018, 8:30-10am PST (Seattle)*
Click on the "add to cart" button, pay what you can that feels fair, and proceed to checkout.
You will receive a follow-up email a few weeks before the course begins with all the relevant details for participating in the course. Please do feel free to get in touch if you need assistance or have questions.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will this be offered on different dates and times?
Right course, wrong time?
*Although I have tried to accommodate as many timezones as possible in the course schedule, I am currently based in the Pacific Northwestern United States, so the course schedule reflects this timezone bias.
If you want to participate, but can't attend the current constellations, please get in touch to discuss other possibilities.
Please let me know what days/times might work for you, and if a constellation of people coalesces around those days/times, I will host additional constellations, schedule permitting.
I will continue to update this page as other opportunities arise.
If you would like to explore Integrity Dynamics within the context of your particular organization or community, please contact me directly to discuss possibilities.
Why twelve sessions?
As much as I’d love to offer this in a shorter timeframe, in my experience most of us do not become wiser, more compassionate, and more powerful in a weekend retreat, or even a week-long workshop. Although I may choose to offer retreats in the future, my focus is working with people ready to do the deep work necessary for a better future together.
This version of the course is designed to shift who and how you are in the world.
For good.
For your own good. For the common good. And for the good of the planet.
What is the time commitment?
How much time you spend on the course is entirely up to you. The approach requires dedicated time and attention to be most valuable, but I trust you to choose a level of engagement that supports your intentions for the course given whatever is happening in your life.
Live sessions are 90-minutes long, and depending on the constellation you join, are either weekly, or at least three times per month. Especially since these are not recorded, you will need to set aside time for these. Optional bonus exercises, each of which may take twenty minutes to an hour to complete, are offered between our online sessions. There is also a private online discussion group (via Facebook) available for you to participate in as much (or as little) as you'd like.
Why don't you offer recordings of the sessions?
Recorded sessions are somewhat ubiquitous to online courses these days. However, having given this a lot of consideration, I decided not to offer recordings of the sessions for two important reasons:
1) This course tends to be most valuable when each of us feels free to live our questions aloud in confidence--to share our experiences and the magnificent messiness of whatever's real for us in the moment. Recordings make this more challenging as we tend to be self-conscious and self-editing when we know that we're being recorded. Moreover, we respect each other's privacy and honor confidentiality more fully without recordings.
2) This course requires real commitment, which at a bare minimum means showing up for the live sessions. Every single person's presence contributes something essential to their particular course constellation. Even with the best intentions, recordings offer an “out” and increase the likelihood that people will succumb to the resistance to change or competing priorities that life inevitably presents, and opt out of the sessions.
There really is no substitute for being present. When you don't show up, you cheat yourself from being truly present with what's happening as it is unfolding, and you cheat us from benefiting from your vital presence in the moment.
So harness that FOMO (fear of missing out) for good, and plan to show up.
If your current life circumstances don't support your ability to attend the video-conference sessions, I suggest that you defer taking the course until a time when you can participate more fully.
What happens if I miss a session?
We will miss you. Really. The sessions aren't the same without you. No one else can bring your uniquely brilliant "You-ness" to the sessions.
Please don't miss a session.
That said, if you can't avoid missing a session, please let us know in advance whenever possible, and connect with the constellation later in the private online discussion group to find out what you missed.
What technology do I need to participate?
The online sessions are held via ZOOM, a video-conferencing platform that supports computers or tablets. You can also call in via phone using dial in numbers.
Those without video or internet access are welcome to participate by phone, but if you have the ability to do so, please show-up on screen.
Why are the constellations limited to 10 participants?
Because our work together is likely to be deeply personal, nuanced, and transformative, each Integrity Dynamics class (constellation) is limited to ten participants. Together, we create an intimate, playful, confidential space for potent learning, brave inquiry, and genuine connection.
In what language is the course taught?
As much as I would love to be multi-lingual, the course is currently only offered in English.